CIC on safety of navigation (Riyadh MOU) 09/16/2015
Rescue at Sea Guide (2015) 02/24/2015
Pollution fine of marine environment in Turkey-2015 02/18/2015
South African Maritime Safety Authority Notice (SM6-5-2-1) 10/23/2014
South African Maritime Safety Authority Notice (SM6-5-2-1) 10/23/2014
Huatai Circular PNI1402–Enhanced Quarantine Inspection at Chinese Ports for Vessels Arriving From Ebola Affected Countries 09/16/2014
CPA-minutes of meeting 09/15/2014
UAE Circular EHS-PM-03-14 07/07/2014
Dubai Cirrcular EHS-PM-02-14 07/07/2014
MEDITERRANEAN P&I Correspondents (Spanish administrative and sanctioning proceedings in a nutshell) 07/02/2014
Summary of BIMCO Guide on Safe Passage Through The Straits of Malacca & Singapore-2014 04/30/2014
Suez Canal Security Alert 03/30/2014
Real Life Accident
Lists of SPRO Consortia Agent 20140225 01/30/2014
Iranian Notice to Mariners 1-2014 01/10/2014
KPI Security Information Notice SeIN-Dec-2013(ReCAAP report for November 2013) 11/09/2013
Vessel Fine for Satellite Phone – India 11/07/2013
Huatai Circular PNI 1305 11/05/2013
Huatai Circular PNI 1304 concerning the Chinese Local Fishery Farms 11/04/2013
Conditions of use of Port for Sharjah 11/03/2013
Bandar Abbas – Shahid Rajaei port data 10/30/2013
SAQR PORT AUTHORITY Environmental violation tariff 2013 10/20/2013
KPI MLC Information Notice MLCIN-October-2013(Sample of Possible MLC Deficiencies) 10/19/2013
KPI Information Update IU-48-2013 – Guidelines on Capabilities of Emergency Response Services revised 2013 09/30/2013
KPI MLC Information Notice MLCIN-November-2013(Next Special Tripartite Committee (STC) meeting planned) 08/30/2013
Liquefaction & the Bulk Cargoes 07/30/2013
New RequirementsDate of entry into force-Oct 2013 06/30/2013
lists of SPRO Consortia Agent 28-April-2013 06/30/2013
Amended lifeboat requirement 06/30/2013
KPIMLCInformation NoticeMLCIN-December-2012 06/30/2013
Laytime Definitions for Charter Parties 2013 10/18/2012
List of Paris MoU deficiency codes 10-09-2013 10/17/2012
KPI Security Information Notice SeIN-Sept-2013(Piracy related Frequently Asked Questions) 10/15/2012
KPI MLC Information Notice MLCIN-August-2013(P I Entry as Evidence for Financial Security Required under MLC) 10/13/2012
IMO Circular letter No.3370(Garbage Record Book) 10/11/2012
ICS Guidance For Ship Operators On MLC & Port State Control 10/10/2012
Bunker Convention Status of States Parties – DOC 09/30/2012
KPI Security Information Notice SeIN-July-2013(IMB Piracy Report Q2-2013) 09/29/2012
KPI MLC Information Notice MLCIN-July-2013(MLC Advantages for all concerned) 
IMCA Mooring Practice (Off-shore when in ports) 09/27/2012
KPI Safety Information SaIN-July-2013(Life-Boat Safety Update) 09/26/2012
Man Diesel & Turbo Safety Alert NA and NR type turbochargers 09/25/2012
Fujairah Notice 172-amended 09/23/2012
Fujairah Notice 171 09/22/2012
Fujairah Notice 161 09/21/2012
KPI SeIN August-2012 09/20/2012
KPI Safety Information SaIN-August-2012 _Australian Fairways – NW Australia 09/15/2012
MLCIN June-2012 09/14/2012
Piracy Routeing Guide Tools 09/13/2012
KPI Safety Information SaIN-May-2013(Singapore MPA has issued a circular concerning TSS) 09/12/2012
ITOPF guide on Response to Marine Chemical Incidents 09/11/2012
Tokyo_inspection_Fire_Safety_Systems 09/10/2012
KPI_April_2013 08/31/2012
SaIN-no2-April-2013 08/30/2012
MLC Check-List Mine 08/30/2012
Bird_Flu_in China 08/28/2012
MLCIN-APRIL-2013 08/26/2012
KPI Safety Information SaIN-February_2-2013 08/25/2012
ITOPF_guide 08/22/2012
UAE NTM 169-170 08/20/2012
KPI_Notice_MLCIN-March_2013 08/19/2012
KPI Safety Information SaIN-February-2013(Possibility of Grounding in the port of Alexandria,Egypt entrance) Mine 08/17/2012
KPI MLC Information Notice MLCINNo.2-2013 08/13/2012
KPI MLC Information Notice MLCIN-February-2013[Document of Maritime Labour Compliance(DMLC) preparation] Mine 08/11/2012
KPI Security Information Notice SeIN-January-2013(Problems with Saving Refugees at sea 08/11/2012
Resolutions_MLC 08/10/2012
KPI_MLC_Information_Notice_MLCIN-January-2013 07/30/2012
SaIN_December_2012 12/30/2011
KPI_MLC_Information_Notice_MLCIN_October_2012 11/30/2011
KPI_Safety_Information_SaIN_November_2012 10/30/2011
Investigation guide leaflet 09/30/2011
PSC Guidance on types of inspection 09/29/2011
Code ofod practice for PSCOs 09/18/2011
MS Notice 07-2012 Navigation near Indian Coast 09/16/2011
KPI Safety Information SaIN-July-2012 (New Safety Regulations entered into force) 09/14/2011
Risk assessment_ benefits, obstacles, recommendations 09/13/2011
Paris MOU Deficiency code list 09/12/2011
KPI SeIN May-2012 09/11/2011
KPI MLCIN May-2012 09/10/2011
Collision during STS berthing operation 08/30/2011
Carriage of Weapons, Ammunition and Armed Guards in Egyptian waters 07/30/2011